Natlink AB has taken out insurance for those who use the WeHunt application with a valid WeHunt annual subscription for hunting (including pre- and post-work, search, hunting shooting and hunting trail, shooting and practice shooting, ground and hunting maintenance and receivables and game management) in Länsförsäkringar Södermanland.
The insurances apply when you have a paid annual subscription to WeHunt Pro, Standard, Premium or WeHunt GPS and use WeHunt while hunting. Remember to start or join a hunt in WeHunt at the beginning of the hunting day and you will be protected!
The insurances contain 2 important insurance elements for you. One is a subsidiary liability insurance and the other is an accident insurance.
Here’s a little about what applies:
Liability insurance
Who does the insurance apply to and the insured business?
The insurance refers to the activity specified in the insurance letter (see above) and applies to you who use the WeHunt application with active WeHunt Pro / Standard / Premium / GPS annual subscription for hunting including pre- and post-work, search, hunting shooting and hunting trail, shooting and practice shooting, ground and hunting maintenance as well as receivables and game management.
When does the insurance apply?
The insurance applies to claims for damages that relate to damage that occurs during the time the insurance is in force. Note The insurance is subsidiary in relation to other current liability insurance.
Where does the insurance apply?
The insurance applies to damage that occurs in the Nordic countries.
Insurance amount
The insurance amount is maximized to 10 price base amounts (170901) and indicates the amount to which damages, investigation, negotiation, litigation and rescue costs are insured in total.
What does the insurance apply to?
The insurance mainly applies to liability for personal and property damage as well as property damage as a result of such compensable damage according to general rules of tort law.
What does the insurance help with?
In the event of a claim for damages that may be covered by the insurance and that exceeds the agreed deductible 0.1 price base amount (170901), Länsförsäkringar Södermanland undertakes to the insured that:
– investigate whether there is a liability for damages
– negotiate with the person claiming damages
– bring the insured’s action in a lawsuit or arbitration proceeding and thereby pay the court or arbitrator costs which the insured is incurred or ordered to pay and which he can not recover from the other party or other and
– pay the damages that the insured is obliged to pay.
What does the insurance not help with?
The insurance does not apply to costs relating to travel, care and treatment of doctors outside the Nordic region. Nor travel to and from the Nordic countries for treatment in the Nordic countries.
What to do in case of injury?
1. Report it via Wehunt to Länsförsäkringar Södermanland as soon as possible.
2. Observe the laws, regulations or government regulations issued for the purpose of preventing or limiting damage
3. Do what you can to help so that the damage is as small as possible.
Is this all?
No, this is a brief overview of the most important parts of the insurance. In the event of damage, it will be regulated in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions in Länsförsäkringar Södermanland Företagsförsäkring condition no: V 061: 12 part C Liability insurance (170901).
Accident insurance
Who does the insurance apply to and the insured business?
The insurance refers to the activity specified in the insurance letter (see above) and applies to you who use the WeHunt application with active WeHunt Pro annual subscription for hunting including pre- and post-work, search, hunting shooting and hunting trail, shooting and practice shooting, ground and hunting maintenance and receivables and game management.
When does the insurance apply?
The insurance applies when carrying out insured activities and which relates to damage that occurs during the time the insurance is in force.
Where does the insurance apply?
The insurance applies to damage that occurs in the Nordic countries.
Insurance amount
The insurance amount is the highest amount paid in the event of disability, for aids and in the event of death as a result of an accidental injury.
In the event of disability, compensation is paid with such a large part of the insurance amount that corresponds to the degree of disability. The insurance amount is reduced by 5% when the insured turns 56 and thereafter each year by an additional 5%. The insurance amount is reduced by a maximum of 50%.
Compensation Insurance amount
– in the event of a degree of disability below 50% – SEK 100,000-
– with a degree of disability of 50% and above – SEK 200,000
– for aids – SEK 10,000
– in the event of death due to an accidental injury – SEK 10,000
What does the insurance apply to?
The insurance is valid in the event of an accidental injury in accordance with what is stated in the condition, the Insurance Contracts Act and other applicable legislation.
The insurance does not apply to:
Costs relating to travel, care and treatment of doctors outside the Nordic region. Nor travel to and from the Nordic countries for treatment in the Nordic countries.
Accidental injury refers to bodily injury that affects the insured involuntarily through a sudden external event (accident). In the event of freezing and heat stroke (sunstroke), the requirement for suddenness is disregarded. (Such bodily injury shall be deemed to have occurred on the day it appeared.)
Accidental injury does not mean:
– damage caused by infection by bacteria, viruses or other infectious agents
– damage caused by the use of medical preparations or by intervention, treatment or examination not caused by accidental damage covered by this insurance;
– such a condition that even if it has been established after an accident according to medical experience can not be considered to be due to the accident but to illness, defect or pathological changes.
There are special restrictions in the condition for treatment costs for dental injuries.
What to do in case of injury?
1. Report it via Wehunt to Länsförsäkringar Södermanland as soon as possible.
2. Hire a doctor without delay and during the illness be under continuous medical supervision and observe the doctor’s instructions and follow the instructions given by Länsförsäkringar Södermanland in consultation with the doctor, which are intended to limit the consequences of the accident.
Is this all?
No, this is a very brief overview of the most important parts of the insurance. In the event of damage, it will be regulated in accordance with current terms in Länsförsäkringar Södermanland Företagsförsäkring condition no.: V 965O: 3 (170901).